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Joined: 12 Nov 2012 Posts: 358 Location: South Africa
Display driver for LM6063 GLCD |
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:01 am |
Below is a driver based on Torello's driver also in this forum but for the LM6063 chip.
Uses the SPI bus instead of software SPI and include the necessary changes to work, otherwise it performs the same as the original driver.
Thanks Torello for the driver, made the work much less than to design from scratch.
I only included the PgSer.c file as the others are identical to Torello's files.
Code: |
void glcd_WriteData(int8 data, char type) {
//Wait while SPI still busy
//while (SPI2_Busy) {}
output_bit(CS,0); //Chip Select = Active
output_bit(A0,type); //A0 = Data
//SPI2_Busy = TRUE;
void glcd_Init() {
glcd_WriteData(0xE2,0); //Reset display
glcd_WriteData(0xA2,0); //1/9 bias
glcd_WriteData(0xA1,0); //RAM->SEG output = normal
glcd_WriteData(0xC0,0); //COM scan direction = normal
glcd_WriteData(0x40,0); //Set Display start line
glcd_WriteData(0x2C,0); //power control set
glcd_WriteData(0x2E,0); //power control set
glcd_WriteData(0x2F,0); //power control set
glcd_WriteData(0x25,0); //set Rb/Ra voltage resistor ratio to 6 (Adafruit Value, no info from LM6063 Manual)
glcd_WriteData(0xA6,0); //Normal Display
glcd_WriteData(0x81,0); //Electronic volume command (set contrast)
//Electronic volume value (contrast value) Higher less contrast
glcd_WriteData(0xAF,0); //Display ON
//glcd_WriteData(0xA5,0); //Display all points ON
void glcd_DispClr() {
unsigned int8 i,j;
glcd_WriteData(0xE0,0); //Col inc after write
for(i=0; i<128; i++) { // 16 bytes per line 64 lines
glcd_WriteData(0,1); // write empty byte
glcd_WriteData(0xE0,0); //Reset Col inc after write
void glcd_SetRowCol(int8 row, int8 col) { // Col=0..15, Row=0..63
int8 cl;
glcd_WriteData((row&0x0F)+0xB0,0); // set the X adr=0 (0-15)
cl=(col&0x0F)+ 0x0; // concat command to Ynibble low
glcd_WriteData(cl,0); // set the Yadr low nibble (0-63)
cl=(swap(col)&0x0F)+0x10; // concat command to Ynibble high
glcd_WriteData(cl,0); // set the Yadr hi nibble (0-63)
void glcd_printf(int8 row, int8 col, char *cstring, int8 mode) {
int8 cl,c,i,j; // col counter
int8 si; // string index
int8 bi; // font byte index
int8 fi; // font array index
int8 BoxSm; // box State machine 0=no box
int8 W2Sm; // width2 state machine
int8 Lmax; // number of lines in casde of magnify
Lmax=1; //H1 line
if ( dBT(h2) ) Lmax=2; //H2 line
if ( dBT(h4) ) Lmax=4; //H4 line
for(i=0; i<Lmax; i++) { // line loop
cl=col; // load current col with start colum
si=0; // clear string index
bi=0; // clear font byte line index
fi=0; // clear from 255;
W2Sm=0; // clear width state machine
BoxSm=0; if dBT(box) BoxSm=1; // arm box statemachine
if dBT(inv) BoxSm=1; // invert mode add 1 vertical black line (more readable)
do {
if dBT(w2) W2Sm=2; // arm width2 statemachine
if (!bi) {
if (BoxSm==1) {
BoxSm=2; // advance state machine "print chars"
if dBT(inv) BoxSm=3; // invert mode add 1 vertical black line then stop BoxSM.
si--; // need to correct the bi==5 increment.
bi=5; // force next line to be a space line
c=0xFF; // load the vertical line
goto pf_next_bx; // skip font[]{bi] reading stuff
} else {
fi = cstring[si]; // get string character
if (fi==0) { // string end read. But:
if (BoxSm==2) {
BoxSm=3; // advance state machine
c=0xFF; // load the vertical line
goto pf_next_bx; // skip font[]{bi] reading stuff
} else {
fi=255; // load sting end value need to exit while
goto pf_next2; // ri==0 thus we are done for this line
fi-=32; // substract font array offset
if (bi<5) { // still reading font
c = Font5x7[fi][bi]; // read font data
if (c==0x99) { // T: font end marker detected
c=0; // replace with empty
if dBT(var) { // var font requested..
bi=0; si++; // so 0x99 ends character
} else {
c=0; // bi=5 always a space line
bi=0; si++; // clear byte line index and increase character index.
if dBT(h2) { // T: double magnefy character
if (i) swap(c); // line2; need upper nible as magnefy index
c&=0x0F; // get rid of unwanted nibble
c = Mgnfy2[c]; // get the magnefied font byte
if dBT(h4) { // T: quadruplle magnefy character
if (i&0x2) swap(c); // line2 or 3; need upper nible as magnefy index
if (i&0x1) c>>=2; // need b3&2 on spot b1&0
c&=0x03; // get rid of unwanted bits
c = Mgnfy4[c]; // get the magnefied font byte
//===== linestuf
if (i==0) {
if dBT(box) c|=0x01; // add boxing topline
if dBT(tl) c|=0x01; // add just topline
if (!dBT(h2) && !dBT(h4) ) { // T: Height -SINGLE-
if dBT(box) c|=0x80; // add boxing botline
if dBT(bl) c|=0x80; // add touching botline
if ((i==1) && dBT(h2)) { // last line Height -DOUBLE-
if dBT(box) c|=0x80; // add boxing botline (free botline)
if dBT(bl) c|=0x80; // add free botline
if ((i==3) && dBT(h4)) { // last line Height -QUADRO-
if (c==0xFF) c=0x3F; // correct left right vertical boxing line for i==3
if dBT(box) c|=0x20; // add boxing botline
if dBT(bl) c|=0x20; // add free botline
if dBT(inv) c|=0xC0; // correct inversion to come
if dBT(inv) c=~c; // T: invert font.
do {
glcd_SetRowCol(row,cl++); //set printing adress and increase cl.
if (W2Sm) W2Sm--; //countdown w2 state machine
} while (W2Sm>0);
} while( (cl<128) && (fi!=255)); // until colum 16 is written or end sign set
row=row+1; // next line
Joined: 06 Nov 2011 Posts: 13
Config SPI |
Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:41 am |
Can you tell me how is set your Spi ?
#USE SPI(???) (MASTER , Speed ? etc...)
setup_spi2 (???)
Thanks for your driver ... _________________ ______________________
-- Octopuss --- |
Joined: 16 Jan 2011 Posts: 27
Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 3:39 pm |
Hi Alan,
can you post the complete library with all files please?
Thanks! |
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