whmeade10 Guest
Returning a value from a function outside main program. |
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 9:17 pm |
I am trying to return a value in a function located in a driver
file to the calling function in the main program. what I have below
should work but doesn't. The driver file is included at the top of
the main program file. When I compile the main program I get the
following error 'Undefined identifier value' and the word value
is highlighted in the 'value = read_adc_value(); line below.
Loop in main file
do {
value = read_adc_value(); // Goto read ADC value sub-routine
lcd_gotoxy(7,1); // goto position 7 on line 1
printf(lcd_putc,"\%lu ",value); // display raw ADC value on line 1
Delay_ms(500); // Delay 1/2 second
} While (TRUE);
Function in driver file
int16 read_adc_value() {
int16 value; // define value variable
byte i; // define counter variable
While (!input(ADC_DI)); // WAIT FOR ADC_DI TO GO HIGH
while (input(ADC_DI)); // WAIT FOR ADC_DI TO GO LOW
for(i=1;i<=8;++i) { // repeat 8 times
output_high(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin high
output_low(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin low
for(i=1;i<=16;++i) { // repeat 16 times
shift_left(&value,2,input(ADC_DI)); // shift bit into value
output_high(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin high
output_low(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin low
for(i=1;i<=8;++i) { // repeat 8 times
output_high(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin high
output_low(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin low
return value;
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