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ADC Averaging Problem....

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William Meade

ADC Averaging Problem....
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 2:39 pm     Reply with quote

<font face="Courier New" size=-1><html>

Below is a driver that I wrote for the CS5516 A/D chip. This
actually works great except for the averaging code that I
tried to incorporate. The variable (value) that I return from
the driver is correct, but when I try to average it and return
the variable (avalue) from the driver function it give me the
following number "16711935". The number that I get back from
the (value) variable is 5963 which is correct. Can anyone
advise me on what I am doing wrong?

// Driver routines for the CS5516 A/D chip
// The following need to be set at the beginning of the
// main program prior to calling this driver function.

// output_float(ADC_DI) Set ADC Data In pin as input
// output_low(ADC_DO) Set ADC data out pin low
// output_low(ADC_CLK) Set ADC clock pin low

#define MEAN_FILTER_WIDTH 10 // Added for averaging

#define ADC_RESET PIN_B3
#define ADC_DI PIN_C0
#define ADC_DO PIN_C2
#define ADC_CLK PIN_C3

int32 value; // define value variable

int32 mean; // Added for averaging
int32 avalue; // Added for averaging
int16 input_buffer[MEAN_FILTER_WIDTH]; // Added for averaging
static char inbuf_index = 0; // Added for averaging
static char num_elements = 0; // Added for averaging

void write_adc_byte(byte data) {
byte i; // define counter variable

for(i=1;i<=8;++i) { // count from 1 to 8
output_bit(ADC_DO,shift_left(&data,1,0)); // output 0 or 1 to data out pin
output_high(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin high
output_low(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin low
} // end 'for' loop

int16 read_adc_value() {

byte i;

While (!input(ADC_DI)); // WAIT FOR ADC_DI TO GO HIGH
while (input(ADC_DI)); // WAIT FOR ADC_DI TO GO LOW

// Clear Ready Flag
for(i=1;i<=8;++i) { // repeat 8 times
output_high(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin high
output_low(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin low
// Read ADC Value
for(i=1;i<=16;++i) { // repeat 16 times
shift_left(&value,2,input(ADC_DI)); // shift in value (16 bit number)
output_high(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin high
output_low(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin low
// Read ADC Error Flags
for(i=1;i<=8;++i) { // repeat 8 times
output_high(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin high
output_low(ADC_CLK); // set adc clock pin low

return value; // Return (value) to calling Function

//------------------------------AVERAGING SECTION---------------------------------------

// Insert ADC reading into circular input buffer.
input_buffer[inbuf_index] = value; // Added for averaging
inbuf_index++; // Added for averaging
if(inbuf_index >= MEAN_FILTER_WIDTH) // Added for averaging
inbuf_index = 0; // Added for averaging

if(num_elements < MEAN_FILTER_WIDTH) // Added for averaging
num_elements++; // Added for averaging

// Calculate the mean. This is done by summing up the
// values and dividing by the number of elements.
mean = 0; // Added for averaging
for(i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) // Added for averaging
mean = mean + input_buffer[i]; // Added for averaging

avalue = mean / num_elements; // Added for averaging

return avalue; // Added for averaging



adc_init() {
output_low(ADC_RESET); // Set reset pin low
delay_ms(150); // Delay 150 mili-seconds for A/D to reset
output_high(ADC_RESET); // Set reset pin high

adc_start() {

write_adc_byte(0x88); // Start automatic conversion (10001000)

// SET ADC GAIN 8(X25) 24 Bits MSB First
set_adc_gain() {
read_adc_value(); // Goto read adc value sub-routine
write_adc_byte( 0x90 ); // 10010000 - Command Register
write_adc_byte( 0x00 ); // 00000000 - Configuration Register (Bits 17 - 24)
write_adc_byte( 0xC0 ); // 11000000 - Configuration Register (Bits 9 - 16)
write_adc_byte( 0x00 ); // 00000000 - Configuration Register (Bits 0 - 8)
write_adc_byte( 0x88 ); // 10001000 (Start automatic conversion)

This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 14315

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Re: ADC Averaging Problem....
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 3:09 pm     Reply with quote

<font face="Courier New" size=-1>
This is really not an answer to your question but you can improve performance greatly if you specify a buffer width of either 8 or 16. This will allow division to be performed by a bit shifting operation that only takes a few instruction cycles.</font>
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 14318
PCM programmer

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Re: ADC Averaging Problem....
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 3:22 pm     Reply with quote

:=Below is a driver that I wrote for the CS5516 A/D chip. This
:=actually works great except for the averaging code that I
:=tried to incorporate. The variable (value) that I return from
:=the driver is correct, but when I try to average it and return
:=the variable (avalue) from the driver function it give me the
:=following number "16711935". The number that I get back from
:=the (value) variable is 5963 which is correct. Can anyone
:=advise me on what I am doing wrong?
Can you post the complete averaging routine, including all
variable declarations ? (You don't have to post any other
routines). If some variables used by that routine are declared
as globals, then post those lines too.
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 14319
William Meade

Re: ADC Averaging Problem....
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 3:37 pm     Reply with quote

:=:=Below is a driver that I wrote for the CS5516 A/D chip. This
:=:=actually works great except for the averaging code that I
:=:=tried to incorporate. The variable (value) that I return from
:=:=the driver is correct, but when I try to average it and return
:=:=the variable (avalue) from the driver function it give me the
:=:=following number "16711935". The number that I get back from
:=:=the (value) variable is 5963 which is correct. Can anyone
:=:=advise me on what I am doing wrong?
:=Can you post the complete averaging routine, including all
:=variable declarations ? (You don't have to post any other
:=routines). If some variables used by that routine are declared
:=as globals, then post those lines too.


The following code is from the main program and it shows where
I call the function with - read_adc_value(); The averaging
code that I inserted actuall came from one of your files
called filters.c. What I tried to do is incorporate the
averaging into the ADC driver so I wouldn't need to include a
seperate file for compiling the program.

If (state == 1) {


lcd_gotoxy(7,1); // goto position 7 on line 1
If (value < 0) value = 0; // Check to see if avalue less than 0
If (value > 32767) value = 0; // Check to see if avalue greater than 32767
printf(lcd_putc,"\%lu ",avalue); // display raw ADC value on line 1

If (value < value - scale_zero) // Check to see if avalue less than 0
weight = 0.0;
weight = ((value - scale_zero) / raw_per_pound);// Calculate weight on scale

ad_scale = weight * 655.35; // Calculate scale 4-20mA Output Value
write_AN_byte(ad_scale); // Update 4-20mA Signal

lcd_gotoxy(7,2); // goto position 7 on line 2

If (weight <= 0) weight = 0; // If weight is < 0 display 0
printf(lcd_putc,"\%7.1f ",weight); // Display weight on LCD line 2 position 7

if (!input(ENTER_BTN)) { // Check to see if ENTER button is pressed
while (!input(ENTER_BTN)); // Wait for ENTER button to be let up
Delay_us(500); // Delay 1/2 Second for Debounce
state = 2; // set state to 2 (Calibrate Scale)

This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 14320
PCM programmer

Joined: 06 Sep 2003
Posts: 21708

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Re: ADC Averaging Problem....
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 4:02 pm     Reply with quote

:=What I tried to do is incorporate the
:=averaging into the ADC driver so I wouldn't need to include a
:=separate file for compiling the program.
You can incorporate it without using a separate file.
Just copy and paste the entire function into your main source
file. Put it at the end of the file, and put a function prototype for it above main(). Then call it from within
your main program.

One purpose of using functions is to have a library of
re-usable, known-good, working code modules that you can just
drop in to your programs. If you cut them up, you defeat that
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 14322
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